
Five Star Heating & Cooling Group

How Often Should You Change a Dirty Air Filter? 

How Often Should You Change a Dirty Air Filter? 

Oct 1, 2024 | Air Filter, Allergens, Bacteria, Contaminants, Dirty Air Filter, Dust, Energy Bills, Germs, IAQ, Indoor Air Filter, Odors, Pollutants, Seasonal Changes

A clogged air filter can lead to more severe consequences than one might anticipate. While we often emphasize the importance of timely air filter changes, do you truly understand WHY this practice is so essential? Numerous unseen factors underscore the necessity of staying proactive with your air filter maintenance. Today, Five Star Heating & Cooling Group aims to highlight the alarming repercussions of neglecting regular air filter replacements. 

What Is Affected When You Don’t Change Your Air Filters Regularly? 

  • Air Quality in Your Home – You may be thinking about the implications of air filter maintenance, but frequently changing your filters is crucial. Air filters are engineered to trap dust and other airborne contaminants from entering your HVAC system. This dual function helps prevent these pollutants from being circulated throughout your home, where they can impact your family’s health. Consequently, by consistently updating your air filters, you enhance both your home’s environment and the efficiency of your HVAC system, ultimately improving indoor air quality (IAQ). Conversely, neglecting this task can significantly diminish the indoor air quality in your home. 
  • Energy Bills – Another area that suffers when air filters are not changed regularly is your energy bills. When an air filter becomes excessively clogged with dust and debris, it hinders the efficient movement of air through your HVAC system. As a result, your system must exert more effort to push air through a blocked filter, leading to increased energy consumption and, subsequently, higher monthly energy bills. According to a study by the Department of Energy, regularly replacing a dirty, clogged filter with a clean one can reduce your air conditioner’s energy consumption by 5% to 15%. 
  • HVAC System Efficiency – The neglect of air filters can lead to issues beyond poor air quality and elevated energy costs. A clogged air filter creates additional strain on your HVAC system as it struggles to circulate air. This constant, excessive pressure can ultimately result in system breakdowns, leading to costly repairs. 
  • Airborne Pollutants and Contaminants – Failing to replace your air filters for extended periods allows pollutants and contaminants to circulate freely throughout your home. These may include, but are not limited to, mold spores, pet dander, and tobacco smoke particles. Such airborne contaminants can lead to a range of health issues, including irritation such as sore throats, none of which are desirable outcomes.  
  • Accumulation of Dust and Debris in Your Home and HVAC System – One of the most immediate negative effects of a clogged air filter is the accumulation of dust and debris in your living space. If you notice your furniture becoming dusty at an accelerated rate or your HVAC vents collecting dust, it indicates that you are inhaling these tiny particles within your home.  
  • Presence of Germs and Bacteria – Germs and bacteria represent a less visible yet equally concerning consequence of clogged air filters. Dirty filters can quickly become breeding grounds for harmful microorganisms, which can be particularly troublesome for individuals with preexisting respiratory conditions or asthma.  

When Should You Replace Your Air Filters?  

  1. At the Beginning of Each Season or Every 30-90 Days – As residents of Ohio, you are likely aware of the unpredictable nature of the seasons. Seasonal allergens are prevalent in our region. A good practice is to check your air filters at the start of each season to ensure that your HVAC system can accommodate the varying demands throughout the year. Additionally, consider changing your HVAC air filters every 30-90 days, depending on usage, the number of pets in the home, and specific lifestyle needs.  
  1. Following Renovations or Home Projects – If you frequently engage in home improvement projects, it is particularly important to replace your air filters after such activities. Renovations and construction can release substantial amounts of dust and debris into the air, resulting in a quicker clogging of your filters.  

Maintaining your air filter changes is crucial. For those in Ohio, we understand that seasonal shifts significantly impact air quality. Therefore, regular maintenance of your air filters is essential. Remember that by staying proactive with this HVAC maintenance task, you can ensure a comfortable home environment and promote the health of your family. 

Five Star Heating & Cooling Group can help you tackle any scary HVAC disasters that dare come your way! Call us at (614) 490-7550, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!