Five Star Heating & Cooling Group

Hidden Dangers of an Old Furnace

Hidden Dangers of an Old Furnace

Dec 29, 2020 | Furnace, Heating

Because most of us are bent on saving money and we know HVAC equipment is built to last, the temptation to continue using old heating equipment can seem like a good idea without further consideration on the topic.

Upon further consideration, however, we find there are a variety of potential risks of using old equipment — some of which are grim, most of which are compounded if our systems haven’t been properly maintained over the years. To help you understand some of the more serious risks and the warning signs to watch for, our technicians at Five Star Heating & Cooling Group present the following:

Top 3 hidden danger of older heating equipment:

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Although most heating equipment has fail-safes to prevent carbon monoxide from leaking, it’s common for these sensors to degrade with older equipment, and this can put you and everyone in the home at risk. In addition to major failures that can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, outdated heating equipment loses performance efficiency over time, which can produce small levels of carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion. Although these lower levels leaking out might not trip sensors right away, they can cause health problems over time.

Fire Risks

Furnaces and other heating systems are designed to use combustion safely to generate heat, and most of these have fail-safes to prevent fires. Over time, however, many of these fail-safes can corrode, become compromised and break down. Estimates on how long heating equipment can last only give you a ballpark idea based on averages. Moreover, older equipment often lacks a lot of the safety features you’ll find necessary in more recent equipment and lack the redundancy necessary to ensure safe operation.

Gas Leaks

Using natural gas as a heat source can cause a wide range of health issues if it gets out. As such, you should be mindful that older heating equipment is more prone to leaking gas than newer equipment. Because corrosion is inevitable over time, small leaks are likely in outdated equipment. Although homes have sensors that can usually detect the presence of gas, they are subject to human error as well as being prone to failure. This could potentially lead to fatal poisoning, or health problems with smaller leaks over time. Oil furnaces are prone to leaks as well, and these leaks can cause damage to a home and become fire hazards. Having maintenance performed every year makes these risks far less likely.

Common Warning Signs

Because the dangers of older heating equipment is so serious and potentially grave, it’s crucial homeowners keep an eye out for the certain signs your system may be headed for trouble. Be mindful here, anytime you’re assessing a furnace or any kind of heating equipment that safety should always come first. A few of the more common warning signs we are alluding to include:
Flickering or Yellow Flame: The burner flame on your furnace should always be blue. If the flame has a yellow color or if it’s flickering, you should give us a call right away as this could be a result of carbon monoxide or a gas leak.

Increasing Energy Bills

If your heating costs are rising or seem higher than normal, your heating system might need to be repaired or replaced. In any case, moving forward it’s good to monitor your energy bills as this could be a sign of trouble brewing.

Flu-Like Symptoms

Because carbon monoxide is odorless, it can be difficult for humans to detect when there is a leak. As such, if you or your loved ones are experiencing flu-like symptoms, it could be a carbon monoxide leak.

What can I do to prevent furnace problems?

Understanding the hidden dangers of an old furnace, your first natural response is likely to come in the form of a question: What can I do to avoid these kinds of problems during the winter?

The answer is simple, and we say it enough it ought to be one that needs no explanation. Nonetheless, the best way to avoid the hidden dangers of an old heating system is to have preventative maintenance performed on your furnace consistently each year. Maintenance not only helps us detect these kinds of problems, but it also helps us prevent them — all the while saving you on energy costs and prolonging the lifespan of your heating equipment.

To learn more or to book an appointment with an expert technician from Five Star Heating & Cooling Group call (614) 490-7550, or schedule an appointment online now.